
Purim Baskets

  • Dear Chabad Families,

    One of the mitzvahs of the holiday to give each other gifts of food (Mishloach Manot) to express our gratitude for the relationships we cherish.

    We will be sending out mishloach manot to every Chabad family, filled with an assortment of treats. With the package will come a Purim card, listing all the families who participated in sending the gift.

    For $36 you can participate in giving a Purim basket to every Chabad family. Your name will be on the card received by every family with their Purim food package. Orders will be taken until March 14th.

    Have a happy Purim!
    Avi and Michal Korer

  • $36.00
    Credit Card
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    Mail a check to Chabad of Putnam 5 Fair Street Carmel NY 10512
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